Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Race Medals

First - my margarita is overflowing!!!!!

When I watered - must keep the flowers in water - the "ice" pushed it's way out and started popping all over the counter. 

It still looks nice over a week after I received it - top of glass just a little "off."

I have wanted to do something with my race medals.   They have been hanging on either side of my dresser mirror.   My friend Leslie gave me this idea.   I purchased to hanger things at Hobby Lobby and have put up most of my medals.    Much more colorful than the pencil protrait of Ashley, age 4.      

I hate to admit that this is not all of my's all about the bling!!!!!!!!!


  1. Love the medal display! I hope you bought extra hangers for the rest of your medals (and future medals!).

  2. Very attractive and quite the conversation pieces. I look forward to seeing an updated picture to watch it grow!
