Monday, March 25, 2013

Mud Dog Picture

Leslie and me at the race - before the mud!!!

There really was not much mud.......thank goodness!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mud Dogs Half

This morning was the Mud Dogs 1/2 Marathon.   Leslie and I headed to Mt Pleasant early.    9am start and we finished shortly before noon. 

The dirt roads were not muddy - it has not been warm enuf for that!!!!!    Cloudy, Chilly, Slight wind........but we finished.   And there was one person behind us!!!!

Lunch with running friends after.......home just in time for the MSU game.   I kept nodding off so at half time finally got a HOT shower and am finally warm.

Next up - Lincoln Memorial Half in Springfield, Illinois.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

New Toy

I have a new toy - only it's not really a toy. 

It's a stand mixer and this is my first use.   Tomato/Basil Bread.   

Recipe was in the instruction book.   Bread was really good - especially with steak and grapefruit/avacado salad for dinner this evening.    And a Kuhlman Manhattan........     MMMMmmmmmm.    

I had to find a place for it in the kitchen - close........ the pantry closet in the back hall.

I look forward to learning more uses of this toy - and will appreciate any tips and lessons.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Race Medals

First - my margarita is overflowing!!!!!

When I watered - must keep the flowers in water - the "ice" pushed it's way out and started popping all over the counter. 

It still looks nice over a week after I received it - top of glass just a little "off."

I have wanted to do something with my race medals.   They have been hanging on either side of my dresser mirror.   My friend Leslie gave me this idea.   I purchased to hanger things at Hobby Lobby and have put up most of my medals.    Much more colorful than the pencil protrait of Ashley, age 4.      

I hate to admit that this is not all of my's all about the bling!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Margarita Time

This Margarita was delivered to my door today.
It was even wrapped in lime green tissue!!!!!

Thank you to my beautiful daughter.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

What a Weekend!!!

This past weekend, quilt friends gathered at Debs' house in Grand Rapids.   There were 9 of us for most of the weekend and 3 who joined us for the day on Saturday.  

This georgeous Grandmothers' Flower Garden is by Terry - the ultimate hand piecer.

 These are 4 blocks that make up Carols' block exchange block - lots of pieces and VERY scrappy........
 These lotus flowers are for Terry - an 8 inch version.

Lori and Deb are preparing our Saturday night taco dinner............YUM!!! 

If we do this meal  next year, I will bring Marguaritas!!!!
 Highlight of the weekend was a visit from/with Ruth.   She moved to Minnesota a year ago and came back for this years Retreat.   

Soooo good to spend time with her and soooo glad she could come to join her quilt friends.     We do miss her.
Good times with good friends..............